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ozone healing academy

The self-paced online course that teaches you step-by-step how to practice ozone therapy safely from the comfort of home.

What if you knew how to practice home ozone therapy, so you can:

✔️ Learn about your body, know how to respond to its whispers or shouts, and be its best advocate

✔️ Have the energy and enthusiasm to do the things you love

✔️ Improve your body’s resilience to stress and sickness

✔️ No longer support a system that profits off keeping you ill and instead become a self-sovereign healer that gets to the root cause and prevents dis-ease before it happens

✔️ Have the tools to tackle any health challenge big or small that may come your way in 2024 and beyond

Maybe you’ve…

✔️ Researched ozone therapy and want to take the plunge, yet you’re at a loss of where to start

✔️ Bought an ozone machine with all the right intentions, yet you’re nervous or intimidated to begin (been there), so it’s collecting dust, begging to be used

✔️ Received ozone treatments in a clinic that made you feel great, but they’re getting way too expensive and you want to practice ozone at home instead

✔️ Used your ozone machine but have been “winging it”, and would appreciate guidance to ensure your safety and maximize your investment

✔️ Already done X,Y,Z and “tried everything”, except three atoms of oxygen

What if I told you it is possible to become an expert at home ozone therapy ...

...Without having to spend hours researching, reading Instagram posts and listening to podcasts to piece together information

...Without constantly guessing if you’re doing the right thing or if you may do more harm than good

…Without having to be a lone soldier on your journey to well-being



I was so determined to learn home ozone therapy, that I sacrificed a lot of time, energy and effort. Hours, months and YEARS spent experimenting on myself and hunched over my laptop, throwing things at the wall hoping they’d stick. This was NOT fun. Maybe you can relate.

But now, every time I want or NEED to use my machine (hello covid 2021), I know exactly what I am doing and why, what settings to use, and how to do over 11 home ozone treatments with ease. And let me tell you, it’s a MUCH better experience on this side of it.

This course is for you if you want to stop wasting time and doing things the hard way like I did. It’s for you if you want solutions, delivered in the exact order and format I wish I would’ve had them.

I’m handing you that exact blueprint!





I’ve taken EVERYTHING I’ve learned over the past 5 years (and left out what I wasted my time on) and turned it into a go-at-your-own-pace online program that will take you from feeling confused to glaringly confident in your ability to use and thus benefit from ozone therapy.

Meet your teacher

Hi 👋🏻 I’m Alix!

In 2018 I got strep throat. It was ROUGH. My sister had just gotten an ozone machine so I tried ear + nasal insufflations and drank ozone water. In the morning, I felt like a new person.

Needless to say, I bought an ozone machine immediately and have been hooked ever since!

But, I had to scour the internet for YEARS to find reliable information on equipment, dosing, and safety. Plus, there was zero guidance on why it’s important to open your drainage pathways before starting ozone therapy.

I wanted someone to tell me exactly what to do and how to do it. Unfortunately for me, I had to become that person for myself.

Fortunately for you, I can be that person. 😊

To my knowledge, there is nothing like this available on the market. If there was, I would’ve found it! Ozone Healing Academy is THE MOST comprehensive program of its kind.

If I had this in 2018/2019, I would’ve literally been jumping with joy. But now you will be.

so, what’s inside the course?

the modules

Pre-Ozone Work - Get Your Body Ozone Ready (Modules 1-5)

🎥 Module 1 - About OHA, About Me, Expectations and Intention Setting

🎥 Module 2 - The Toxin Bucket Theory and Low-Toxic Living

🎥 Module 3 - Open Your Drainage Pathways, The Herxheimer Reaction and Binders

🎥 Module 4 - Introduction to Parasite Cleansing

🎥 Module 5 - Pre-Ozone Self Assessments

Become a Home Ozone Therapy Expert (Modules 6-12)

🎥 Module 6 - What is Ozone Therapy? The history, benefits, contraindications + much more

🎥 Module 7 - The 4 Components to a Home Ozone Setup

🎥 Module 8 - Pick and Purchase Your Equipment

🎥 Module 9 - Safely Assemble Your Equipment with Step-by-Step Directions

🎥 Module 10 - Ozone Dosing, Gamma Guidelines, and How to Make Your Own Protocols

🎥 Module 11 - How to Confidently Perform 11 Home Ozone Applications

🎥 Module 12 - More Ways to Practice Ozone at Home including Water + Air Purification

Ozone Therapy Outside the Home (Module 13)

🎥 Module 13 - Ozone Therapy Outside the Home

here’s A sneak peek at Module 11 👇🏻

For each home ozone application in Module 11, you will learn the:


✔️ Indications (when ozone therapy is advisable)

✔️ Contraindications (when ozone should not be used)

✔️ Benefits

✔️ Equipment

✔️ General dosing guidelines and example protocols

✔️ Step-by-step directions (in an easy-to-follow video format)

✔️Tips for success

✔️ My personal experiences and anecdotes from practicing home ozone therapy the past 5 years

✔️ Studies

select your plan

Upon enrollment, you’ll have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to all the course material, including:

✔️ 13 Educational modules

✔️ 8+ Hours of video lessons

✔️ 10 PDF Handouts (40+ pages)

✔️ Private member community AND direct access to me

✔️ Discount codes for products and equipment

✔️ Helpful links and resources

✔️ Any and all future course updates

✔️ Go at your own pace

✔️ Lifetime access

What People Are Saying:

“You have done for me what no other practitioner has ever done. I no longer feel lost or scared to heal. Even though I have a long way on my journey, I now know how to reach my goals. I feel so empowered and supported. I know I have someone on my side that really cares to help people. You taught me how to tap in to myself mentally. That is something I was never able to do. This is just the beginning of my journey, but I feel like a different person from when I started.”

— theresa

“I heard about the healing benefits of ozone but I had no idea how to access the therapy for myself and my family. Alix taught me exactly the products to purchase, how to use them, and included instruction each step of the way. I feel so confident having this wonderful modality in my home. I had a health challenge shortly after getting my ozone set up. My outcome was highly successful and I credit the ozone and Alix’s support. Alix is an amazing mentor and I’m beyond grateful for her vast experience with ozone!”

— cynthia

by the end of this course you will have:

✔️ Bridged the gap from where you are now to where you want to be with your health

✔️ Learned how to tune into your body on a deeper body-mind-soul level

✔️ Found your tribe of open-minded health trailblazers who aren’t scared to go against the status-quo

✔️ Mastered practicing 11+ home ozone applications in a safe and effective manner

✔️ The ability to use ozone therapy for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! Let that sink in.

Who is oha for?

Ozone Healing Academy is for you if you’re committed to your health and take it seriously. Becoming an expert at home ozone therapy is like learning a new language - it takes time and consistent effort!

While you won’t be spinning your wheels like I did, the process towards building a new body and mind can be difficult yet it is HUGELY REWARDING.

This course is not a quick fix. It only works if you do, too.

But I 100% believe you can achieve your goals when you make it a priority and OHA provides the exact steps to get you there.

frequently asked questions

Is this only for beginners?

OHA is the perfect fit for a beginner or someone who has zero knowledge yet of ozone as it will teach you literally EVERYTHING you need to know. However, it is also for someone who has practiced ozone therapy at home before or maybe even regularly, but needs more guidance, say with ozone dosing, safety measures or learning new applications, so they can take their ozone practice to the next level.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of the course, no refunds will be issued. Please make sure OHA feels like a big resounding “YES” to you before enrolling.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes, there are “Buy Now Pay Later” options at checkout! These allow you to split your order total into installments.

What if I don’t see results?

OHA does not make any claims to diagnose, treat, or heal any specific health issue. No information in this course is to be taken as medical advice. This is for information and educational purposes only. The principles I teach are the same ones I used to become a home ozone therapy expert and see (many) results in my own life, and as humans we ALL have a need for oxygen – it is essential to life.

How long will the course take?

This course is self-paced and you are free to work your way through it on your own schedule. There are over 8 hours of video lessons, but it will take longer than that to completely learn, digest, practice and apply the teachings. Through working 1-1 with clients, I’ve found 3-6 months to be the sweet spot for reducing your toxic burden, opening your drainage pathways, acquiring/setting up the equipment, applying your new knowledge and ultimately mastering home ozone therapy. OHA is the beginning of a lifelong journey of wellness, so it does not stop at the course.

Do you offer 1-1 coaching?

I have moved away from 1-1 coaching as I now believe an online course is the best format for learning ozone therapy. Instead of having a 1-1 call with me, then forgetting everything, and needing to ask me again, you will have access to the step-by-step tutorials for each home ozone application AT ALL TIMES! It’s like having an Evergreen Alix in your back pocket for life ☺️. I do answer questions and give personalized feedback M-F in the private community for course students!

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have access to the course and all content immediately upon purchasing and then IT’S YOURS FOREVER! As I make updates or include new modules in the future, you’ll have access to those as well.

I already own an ozone machine. Does the course work for any machine?

Yes! The course is focused around a “medical grade” ozone machine that uses a pure oxygen source like an oxygen tank or concentrator. There are many “medical grade” machines, and they’re all slightly different in terms of their features and connections, but when it comes time to practice ozone therapy, it’s all the same concept no matter the machine. I also teach you how to mix & match fittings, tubings and accessories so you can get the most out of your investment!

I'm still not 100% sure this course is right for me. What are my options?

I’m here to help! Reach out to with any questions.

Questions? Feel free to email me at OR chat me using the icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen!

Ozone Healing Academy is designed for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prescribe, or take the place of a licensed physician. This is not legal medical advice. These treatments have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these treatments or products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Everyone is bio-individual. I cannot and do not guarantee specific results.